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How to Use the JavaScript Ternary Operator
13 min read

How to Use the JavaScript Ternary Operator

TThis article was last updated on October 08, 2024 to include deeper performance considerations, technical insights on how JavaScript engines process the Ternary Operator, and examples illustrating the use of the operator in complex scenarios such as handling asynchronous operations.


This post is about the Ternary Operator in JavaScript. We discuss what the ternary operator is and how it works. We go over some examples demonstrating when and why to use it and how it compares to other JavaScript control structures like if/else, if/else if/else and switch. We also learn about some of the best practices while using JS Ternary Operator.

Steps we'll cover:

What is JavaScript Ternary Operator ?

The Ternary Operator in JavaScript is a conditional control structure that checks for the return value of an expression and executes a block of code based on whether the value is truthy or falsy. It then returns the return value of the executed block.

The JavaScript Ternary Operator is also referred to as the Conditional Operator.

How JS Ternary Operator Works

The Ternary Operator in JavaScript is denoted by the question mark: ?. It is called so because it takes three operands:

  1. The conditional expression that returns either true or false based on a check that evaluates to either truthy or falsy.
  2. The block of code which should be executed if the conditional check returns true.
  3. The block that should run if it returns false.

The syntax for the JavaScript Ternary Operator looks like this:

conditionalExpression ? exprIfTruthy : exprIfFalsy;

As we can see, the Ternary Operator places the conditional expression before the ? and accepts the executable expressions as two other operands that are separated by a colon, :.

If the conditionalExpression evaluates to a truthy value, exprIfTruthy is executed. If it evaluates to a falsy value, exprIfFalsy is executed.

What are Truthy/Falsy Values ?

In JavaScript, a truthy value corresponds to a value that is considered equivalent to true had that been converted to a Boolean. This is another way of saying "this thing exists". All values in JavaScript are truthy if they do not evaluate to or are not defined to be falsy.

A falsy value is a value that is casted as false when it is converted to a Boolean. In JavaScript, the following values are coerced / converted to false:

false, 0, -0, 0n "", null, undefined, NaN and document.all.

Expressions that evaluate to anything other than these are considered truthy.

When to Use the JS Ternary Operator ?

We use the JavaScript Ternary Operator when we need to control execution flow between two paths based on a conditional check that returns a Boolean.

A simplest example involves testing the value of an expression stored in a variable to see whether it exists or not, and then pursue an execution path based on the outcome. If it exists, we do relevant stuff and return it; if not, do some other relevant stuff and return that. The below code shows how:

// Example

const student = "Abd";
const welcomeStudent = student ? `Welcome, ${student}!` : "Welcome, Guest!";

console.log(welcomeStudent); // Welcome, Abd!

In the above snippet, student ? tests to see if student is truthy. The value from this conditional test is used to decide the value of the stored variable, welcomeStudent. In other words, we are using the conditional operator to control the value of welcomeStudent based on the value of student.

Notice that the return value of the executed block following the check is returned as the operator's return value. That allow us to store it in welcomeStudent.

JavaScript Ternary Operator: A Shorthand for if/else

The Ternary Operator is a concise alternative to if/else. For example, we could have written the above control flow like this:

const student = "Abd";
let welcomeStudent;

if (student) {
welcomeStudent = `Welcome, ${}!`;
} else {
welcomeStudent = "Welcome, Guest!";

console.log(welcomeStudent); // Welcome, Abd!

Notice how the ternary operator used previously helped avoid using the above procedural if/else flow. The Ternary Operator made the code more readable, reusable and the logic easier to follow.

Using the JavaScript Ternary Operator to Test a Function's Truthiness

The ternary operator can also be used when we need to test the return a value of a function. As in the welcomeStudentTernary function below:

// With if/else
const welcomeStudent = (student) => {
if (student) {
return `Welcome, ${student}!`;
} else {
return "Welcome, Guest!";

console.log(welcomeStudent("Abd")); // Welcome, Abd!
console.log(welcomeStudent("")); // Welcome, Guest!
console.log(welcomeStudent(null)); // Welcome, Guest!

// With ternary operator
const welcomeStudentTernary = (student) =>
student ? `Welcome, ${student}!` : "Welcome, Guest!";

console.log(welcomeStudentTernary("Abd")); // Welcome, Abd!
console.log(welcomeStudentTernary("")); // Welcome, Guest!
console.log(welcomeStudentTernary(null)); // Welcome, Guest!

Again, it provides conciseness. And goes well with arrow functions.

Handling Nullish Values with JS Ternary Operator

Notice how the nullish arguments are being considered in both cases. With just a few characters added, the Ternary one-liner offers more convenience to an efficient developer who doesn't want to waste lines for dealing with nullish logic.

JavaScript Ternary Operator: When The Return Value Rules

It is important to notice that with the Ternary Operator, we are only interested in the return value of the conditional check as well as those of the two execution blocks. Side effects are less important.

For example, the Ternary Operator would not be useful for us had being polite or yelling was important to us:

const welcomeStudent = (student) => {
if (student) {
console.log("First YELL!");
return `Welcome, ${student}!`;
} else {
console.log("Be composed and polite.");
return "Welcome, Guest!";

// "First YELL!"
// Welcome, Abd!
// "Be composed and polite."
// Welcome, Guest!

// With ternary operator
const welcomeStudentTernary = (student) =>
student ? `Welcome, ${student}!` : "Welcome, Guest!";

console.log(welcomeStudentTernary("Abd")); // Welcome, Abd!
console.log(welcomeStudentTernary("")); // Welcome, Guest!

In the case when they are more important, we should be using if/else statements, as in welcomeStudent. So, the JavaScript Ternary Operator is useful in cases when the return value of the expressions matter more. This is a major distinction between the usage of if/else and the Ternary operator in JavaScript.

Chaining Ternary Operators in JavaScript

We can chain ternary operators to emulate a if/else if/else control structure or a switch statement:

// With if/else if/else
const grade = (mark) => {
if (mark > 100) {
} else if (mark > 80) {
return "A";
} else if (mark > 70) {
return "B";
} else if (mark > 60) {
return "C";
} else if (mark > 50) {
return "D";
} else {
return "F";

console.log(grade(100)); // A
console.log(grade(1000)); // undefined
console.log(grade(10)); // F

// With chained ternary operators
const grade = (mark) =>
mark > 100
? undefined
: mark > 80
? "A"
: mark > 70
? "B"
: mark > 60
? "C"
: mark > 50
? "D"
: "F";

console.log(grade(100)); // A
console.log(grade(1000)); // undefined
console.log(grade(10)); // F

Here, we chained an additional conditional operator into the third operand at each level.

Bonus: Quick Ternary Operator Tips for Beginners

I wanted to share a few quick insights about the JavaScript Ternary Operator that might be useful:

  1. Using Ternary Operator for Short-Circuiting Logic

Sometimes we use ternary operators to simplify code and short-circuit logic. It’s a quick way to check a condition and return something based on it without writing an if/else block. For example:

const result = condition ? 'Value if true' : 'Value if false';

This can be super helpful when you want to make quick decisions based on a condition without too much boilerplate.

  1. Error Handling with Ternary Operators

We can also use the ternary operator for error handling. For example, if we want to check if a value exists before performing an action, we can use a ternary operator to handle errors or defaults:

const data = response ? : 'No data available';

It’s a simple way to avoid undefined errors or fallback to default values when something goes wrong.

  1. Ternary Operator in JSX for Conditional Rendering

In React, the ternary operator is commonly used in JSX for conditional rendering. Instead of using if/else, we can conditionally render components or HTML like this:

return <div>{isLoggedIn ? <Dashboard /> : <Login />}</div>;

This makes React code cleaner and more readable by keeping conditional logic inline.

Just following up with a couple more tips on the JavaScript Ternary Operator that might come in handy:

  1. Handling Nullish Values with Ternary Operator

Sometimes we deal with null or undefined values, and the ternary operator can help handle those cases efficiently. For instance:

const result = value !== null && value !== undefined ? value : 'Default value';

This ensures that if value is null or undefined, we can fall back on a default value, making the code safer and preventing unexpected errors.

  1. Chaining Ternary Operators for Multiple Conditions

Though it’s not always the most readable, you can chain ternary operators to handle multiple conditions. It works like an inline if/else if/else block. Here’s an example:

const grade = score > 90 ? "A" : score > 80 ? "B" : score > 70 ? "C" : "F";

This can be helpful for small decision trees, but we should avoid over-complicating the logic as it can reduce readability.

Performance considerations

We can get into more detail with performance considerations of the JavaScript Ternary Operator, notably how the JavaScript engines process the operator technically.

Ternary Operator from the Point of View of a JavaScript Engine JavaScript engines, such as V8, used in Chrome and Node.js, offer Just-In-Time compilation. Modern JavaScript engines have optimized both if/else statements and the ternary operator to be relatively fast. Nevertheless, there are performance and optimization advantages to the ternary operator:

Simplification of code:

Notice how the ternary operator reduces the bloat of your code by taking large conditional logic and putting it into a single line. This allows JavaScript engines more easily to optimize it because smaller, more predictable code is often better inlined - execution is faster.

Control Flow Branch Prediction:

Ternary operators are conciser and result in better predictability of the engine, especially for simple use cases, since modern CPUs utilize branch prediction that tries to forecast the outcome of a condition for faster execution. So one comparison in a ternary operator may cause fewer mispredictions, especially in performance-critical applications.

Faster generation of byte code:

During compilation by JIT, the JavaScript engine compiles code to bytecode. Usually, bytecode for the ternary operator is somewhat more efficient compared to bytecode for an equivalent if/else statement because the ternary operator returns a value in one logical step without requiring multiple jumps in the control flow.

Performance Comparison: if/else vs. Ternary Operator

Generally speaking, the performance difference between if/else versus the ternary operator for most uses is negligible. Of course, we may want to run some performance tests-PRIMARY-to confirm this, especially if we’re using either one of these in tight loops.

Let me elaborate with an example:

using if/else

let result;
if (Condition) {
result = trueValue;
} else {
result = falseValue;

Using Ternary Operator

let result = condition ? trueValue : falseValue;

Both snippets work in the same way, but the ternary operator creates less bytecode because it needs fewer instructions to evaluate and return.

Benchmark Example

Here’s how we might benchmark the ternary operator against if/else in Node.js:

for (let i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
let result = i % 2 === 0 ? "even" : "odd";

for (let i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
let result;
if (i % 2 === 0) result = "even";
else result = "odd";

When benchmarking this, it is usually observed that the ternary operator may be very slightly faster than if/else because of simpler control flow and fewer bytecode instructions. However, in real-world applications, the difference is so tiny usually that readability and maintainability are more important than such micro-optimizations.

JavaScript Ternary Operator Best Practices

Many developers do not prefer chained ternary operators like the one above because multiple conditional checks hurt readability and maintainability. Instead of chaining ternary operators, using plain if/else if/else or switch statements are recommended when there are multiple paths in a control flow.

So, here are some best practices:

  • Use the JavaScript Ternary Operator when there are only two paths in the control flow.
  • Use the JS Ternary Operator consistently.
  • Avoid using chained Ternary Operators as they make the code difficult to read and maintain.
  • Use a JavaScript Ternary Operator with arrow functions as they also produce good one-liners.
  • In the case complex conditional checks are involved, use parentheses to properly implement the logic. This also improves readability and maintainability


In this post, we expounded on the use of the Ternary Operator in JavaScript. We acknowledged its importance in writing concise code, especially in situations that involve a conditional check and two execution paths.

We saw with examples that the JS Ternary Operator is a good alternative to if/else and is preferable when the return values of the expressions matter more than side effects. We covered a case where it is useful for storing the value returned from evaluating primitives across the execution path as well as one where the same is done after executing a function.

We also encountered an example that shows JavaScript Ternary Operators can be chained to emulate if/else if/else and switch blocks, but the recommended way is to avoid chaining multiple Ternary Operators. We learned about other best practices such as using it consistently in situations where there are only two paths in the control flow, with arrow functions and with parentheses when needed.